Project 4 Plan - Due May 7
Final Project Description
Problem Statement: I would like to contribute to existing research focused on developing a name classifier which uses machine learning techniques to classify names according to ethnicity. I began working on this research project during in an independent study in computational sociology that I pursued with Professor Bakhtiari, a professor in William & Mary’s sociology department. This research is part of his overarching investigation into health populations for Arab populations in the United States. The problem inspiring the development of the existing method is the difficulty in studying health outcomes for Arab populations due to a lack of specific ethnicity data in existing administrative records. That is, people of Arab descent are often classified as “white”, so unless they are foreign born and their country of origin is listed, it is nearly impossible to study health outcomes for this population using records - unless one is able to employ the use of a classification method. Below is a snippet from a paper I wrote which explains the need to develop this classifier specifically to study the efffect of racism at the population-level for Americans of Arab desent.
“This research is important because it contributes to knowledge on health outcomes for understudied populations including people of Middle Eastern, North African, and South Asian descent who are living in America. It is important to understand the health outcomes for these populations because they are presented with unique health barriers and stressors such as discrimination based on racialization and as a result face unique health disparities. The tool developed in this research will serve future researchers in their studies of health disparities. More specifically, this research contributes to knowledge about how discrimination has affected these populations. After the September 11 (hereafter referred to as 9/11) attacks, people who were racialized as Muslim or Arab faced severe social consequences including discrimination, harassment, violence, and hate crimes (Lauderdale 2006; Bakhtiari 2020). Birth outcomes which have been used as a measure of discrimination include preterm births and low weight births; sociologists have
theorized and to some extent demonstrated that the stress induced by discrimination can cause both, and both negatively impact the child’s health, further perpetuating health disparities (Lauderdale 2006). It is important to study the impact of discrimination-induced stress on health to do justice to the scholarship about the post- 9/11 time period and to help people better understand the effects of anti-Arab and anti- Muslim sentiment on both adults and newborns in America. The objective of this study is to create a name classifier which will aid in the investigation of birth outcomes before and after 9/11. This name classifier will be helpful for this project. It may also be helpful for other future projects related to classification of ethnicities. It could be applied to same or different groups and contexts where ethnicity data is unavailable.”
I previously worked on a long short term memory model which trains on list of names and the associated ethnicities or countries of origin and then can be used to classify names inputted.
For this project, I have several potential ideas to either develop a completely new method with which to to compare the existing model or perhaps improve on the long short term memory model I have already used.
A description of data: I am using a dataset which includes 148,275 names scraped from Wikipedia and the race or ethnicity associated with each name. There are three variables for each observation in the dataset: first name, last name, and race/ethnicity classification. This dataset was collected by Steven Skiena’s research team with the same end goal of building a name classifier. The classes of race/ethnicity are: ‘GreaterEuropean,WestEuropean,Germanic’, ‘GreaterAfrican,Muslim’, ‘GreaterEuropean,WestEuropean,Nordic’, ‘GreaterEuropean,WestEuropean,Hispanic’, ‘GreaterEuropean,Jewish’,’GreaterAfrican,Africans’, ‘Asian,GreaterEastAsian,Japanese’, ‘GreaterEuropean,WestEuropean,French’,’GreaterEuropean,EastEuropean’, ‘GreaterEuropean,British’,’Asian,GreaterEastAsian,EastAsian’, ‘Asian,IndianSubContinent’,’GreaterEuropean,WestEuropean,Italian’. I have condensed all the variations of European ethnic grouping to a single European class because I think it is ridiculous to have such a high degree of specificity for the European class and no specificity for the other classes. Perhaps this is a result of the dataset being skewed towards European names, but to me it seemed almost racist when there are equally many or even more categories within other classes (for example, the Asian or African classes could have been subdivided as well).
Machine learning method: I am planning to use a boosted trees model to predict names for my data. I will then compare its performance to the long short term memory model I have previously used as a name classifier.
I will process the Wikipedia dataset using the following code:
path_to_data = ‘’ data = pd.read_csv(path_to_data) X_names = [‘name_last’, ‘name_suffix’, ‘name_first’, ‘name_middle’, ‘race’] df = pd.DataFrame(data.values, columns = X_names) df[“race”].replace({“GreaterEuropean,British”: “European”, “GreatEuropean,EastEuropean”: “European”, “GreaterEuropean,Jewish”: “European”, “GreaterEuropean,WestEuropean,French”: “European”, “GreaterEuropean,WestEuropean,Germanic” : “European”, “GreaterEuropean,WestEuropean,Hispanic”: “European”, “GreaterEuropean,WestEuropean,Italian”: “European”, “GreaterEuropean,WestEuropean,Nordic”: “European”}, inplace=True)
sdf[‘name_first’] = sdf.name_first.str.normalize(‘NFKD’).str.encode(‘ascii’, errors=’ignore’).str.decode(‘utf-8’) sdf[‘name_last’] = sdf.name_last.str.normalize(‘NFKD’).str.encode(‘ascii’, errors=’ignore’).str.decode(‘utf-8’)
sdf.groupby(‘race’).agg({‘name_first’: ‘count’}) sdf[‘name_last_name_first’] = sdf[‘name_last’] + ‘ ‘ + sdf[‘name_first’]
This will give me a dataset of over 140,000 observations with first and last names and race/ethnicity associations.
I will then split the Wikipedia dataset to create training and testing data.
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=21, stratify=y)
I will then modify the following boosted trees model to take my data as inputs and then eventually predict the appropriate ethnicity given a first and last name. I will start by using a subset of the Wikipedia dataset and trying to predict one class of ethnicity and eventually I will expand the model so that it will be able to predict multiple classes.
fc = tf.feature_column CATEGORICAL_COLUMNS = [‘first_name’, ‘last_name’]
def one_hot_cat_column(feature_name, vocab): return fc.indicator_column( fc.categorical_column_with_vocabulary_list(feature_name, vocab)) feature_columns = [] for feature_name in CATEGORICAL_COLUMNS: vocabulary = dftrain[feature_name].unique() feature_columns.append(one_hot_cat_column(feature_name, vocabulary))
NUM_EXAMPLES = len(y_train)
def make_input_fn(X, y, n_epochs=None, shuffle=True): def input_fn(): dataset =’list’), y)) if shuffle: dataset = dataset.shuffle(NUM_EXAMPLES) dataset = (dataset .repeat(n_epochs) .batch(NUM_EXAMPLES)) return dataset return input_fn
train_input_fn = make_input_fn(dftrain, y_train) eval_input_fn = make_input_fn(dfeval, y_eval, shuffle=False, n_epochs=1)
params = { ‘n_trees’: 50, ‘max_depth’: 3, ‘n_batches_per_layer’: 1, ‘center_bias’: True }
est = tf.estimator.BoostedTreesClassifier(feature_columns, **params)
results = est.evaluate(eval_input_fn) clear_output() pd.Series(results).to_frame()
in_memory_params = dict(params) in_memory_params[‘n_batches_per_layer’] = 1 def make_inmemory_train_input_fn(X, y): y = np.expand_dims(y, axis=1) def input_fn(): return dict(X), y return input_fn train_input_fn = make_inmemory_train_input_fn(dftrain, y_train)
est = tf.estimator.BoostedTreesClassifier( feature_columns, train_in_memory=True, **in_memory_params)
est.train(train_input_fn) print(est.evaluate(eval_input_fn))
If I have extra time, I will incorporate the following code as well. The following code splits the names into bigrams (two-letter segments) to make it easier for the model to predict names. Certain bigrams are associated with certain ethnic classifications, so taking this additional step could be really helpful. I use bigrams for the long short term memory model as well, so it would make it easier to compare the boosted trees if it was run on bigrams.
vect = CountVectorizer(analyzer=’char’, max_df=0.3, min_df=3, ngram_range=(NGRAMS, NGRAMS), lowercase=False) a = vect.fit_transform(sdf.name_last_name_first) vocab = vect.vocabulary_
words = [] for b in vocab: c = vocab[b] #print(b, c, a[:, c].sum()) words.append((a[:, c].sum(), b)) #break words = sorted(words, reverse=True) words_list = [w[1] for w in words] num_words = len(words_list) print(“num_words = %d” % num_words)
def find_ngrams(text, n): a = zip(*[text[i:] for i in range(n)]) wi = [] for i in a: w = ‘‘.join(i) try: idx = words_list.index(w) except: idx = 0 wi.append(idx) return wi
X = np.array(sdf.name_last_name_first.apply(lambda c: find_ngrams(c, NGRAMS)))
X_len = [] for x in X: X_len.append(len(x))
max_feature_len = max(X_len) avg_feature_len = int(np.mean(X_len))
print(“Max feature len = %d, Avg. feature len = %d” % (max_feature_len, avg_feature_len)) y = np.array(sdf.race.astype(‘category’)
Preliminary Assessment:
The inspiration for this project is the research I have assisted with in the sociology department for the past academic year (2020-2021). Below is another snippet from the paper I wrote and referenced above; the following snippet provides some background on previous approaches that researchers have taken to address the issue of name classification.
“Torvik and Agarwal (2016) developed Ethnea, a method of name classification using a nearest neighbors approach, on a data set containing millions of records from the PubMed database. Records include author names coupled with the country or countries their article is associated with. Unlike other classification methods, there is no machine learning involved. Rather, the model uses the dataset of author names which
are respectively mapped to countries of publication. They use a logistic regression model to map the country distribution to ethnicities. Torvik and Agarwal (2016) were able to generate predictions for millions of first and last names that were found in the database. To determine the ethnicity of a first and last name combination, the method would combine the probabilities and respective ethnicities associated with each. As a result, millions of names can be classified using the instances present in the data set. Although it accomplishes a similar goal, the Ethnea method is not appropriate for this research because its classifications tend to represent nationality rather than ancestry, due to the nature of the PubMed data it was developed from. Ye et. al (2017) worked to develop a sophisticated nationality and ethnicity classifier to aid research which requires this demographic information that is often unavailable in data sources. Names can be used as an indicator of ethnicity and nationalities, and there are various methods to develop models which can accurately classify new names. Ye et. al (2017) used the idea of homophily and name embeddings to develop NamePrism, a classifier which classified names according to nationality and ethnicity. The idea of homophily is that people interact with others similar to them. Ye et al. (2017) built this classifier using an online company’s list of 57 million contact lists and assortment of 74 million names. The name embeddings were developed from the contact lists and based on the idea of homophily; they can be used to map out names according to nationality. NamePrism includes thirty-nine nationalities which together represent more than 90% of the world population (Ye et al. 2017). It was extremely successful; it was an improvement upon similar classifiers that had previously been used (Ye et al. 2017). The researchers applied it to the followers of Twitter celebrities to
illustrate the ethnic makeups of different celebrities’ followers. Although NamePrism could theoretically have been used to answer this research question, upon some preliminary testing, it was unable to classify Middle Eastern and North African names adequately enough for the purposes of this study. Sood and Laohaprapanon (2018) sought to examine racial inequality in the news and political campaigns. To accomplish this, they decided they needed a method to classify names based on race and ethnicity. They used the 2017 Florida Voter Registration Data and Wikipedia to train a Long Short Term Memory Network model to predict the race and ethnicity associated with the name based on character sequences. The voter registration data contained the name and associated race of nearly 13 million voters (Sood and Laohaprapanon 2018). The Wikipedia data was collected by another research team for a similar classification project; the team scraped Wikipedia and collected 140,000 names with the associated races (Sood and Laohaprapanon). The Long Short Term Memory Network model’s out of sample precision for a model using full names is .83. Using campaign finance data, they applied the model to predict the race of donors to better understand the proportion of each racial group which donates to campaigns. Sood and Laohapranon (2018)’s work with the Long Short Term Memory model inspired my use of it for this name classification project. Although the research question differs, the general goal of using a model to determine the ethnicities associated with names in a dataset is the same.”
For this project, I thought it would be interesting to apply a new method, which I learned about and used in this Machine Learning class: the boosted trees model. I wanted to include the context from my paper to give some background on methods already implemented. Now I will discuss some similar implementations of the boosted trees model. Although based on my literature review, the model has not been used exactly the way I plan to use it, the following articles have provided a general framework.
One informal article I found online detailed the application of a boosted trees model for optimizing in the field of natural language processing (NLP). The researcher, Thomas Atanasov, used Kaggle data of Honda reviews to create a model which would determine ratings based on the text contained in the review. The dataset contained three variables per observation: an id, a review (text), and rating (1-5). Atanasov utilized XGBoost, an “optimized distributed gradient boosting library” which “implements machine learning algorithms under the Gradeient Boosting Framework.” He optimized using the arguments “max_depth” which refers to the max depth of a tree and eta, which prevents overfitting by altering weights. Atanasov’s training set contained 10k observations with a feature of the text from the review and the target was the rating (a number one through five). My goal is similar, in a sense, to Atanasov’s: my feature is also textual (names) and my target also contains several categories (ethnicity), although my categories are not numerical. Atanasov then applied his models to a test set with over 2k observations and predicted rating. He calculated RMSE and MAPE to evaluate the models. He found that RMSE was irrelevant to prediction capabilities and that MAPE was better for selecting effective models. The best model had a max_depth equal to 20 and an eta equal to 1.1. It also contained a stop word list with the word ‘Honda’.
I also found a research paper on using boosted trees for name disambiguation. Often times when searching for scientific papers there are levels of ambiguity because authors may use different names due to changing their names after marriage or sometimes incorporating/leaving out initials or middle names. Also, sometimes authors share names (“John Smith” could refer to many different individuals). The paper proposed a method for classifiying scientific papers as true or false by a name using four steps: “name and affiliation filtering, similarity score construction, author screening, and boosted trees classification.” They used a boosted trees algorithm for this classification and produced awesome results. For a one-run experiment the results are as follows:
- misclassification error = .55%
- testing recall = 98.4%
- testing precision = 99.60%
The proposed model uses a binary classification approach. It predicts “whether a paper is a true paper of our focal scientist or a false paper of homonymous authors.” To do this, they honed their previously mentioned four-step method. The steps incude:
1) “downloading paper records using a name and affiliation match” (which in a sense is similar to my project, which requires a match between name and ethnicity) 2) “constructs a pairwise cosine similarity matrices for all papers under each focal author name, and then uses Eigen-decomposition and averaging to construct a variety of numerical similarity scores to measure the the distance between one paper and all other papers under the same name” (operating under the assumption that the authors’ publications share characteristics/are similar) 3) “eliminate a small number of authors with very high false rates” 4) “use boosted trees for classifying true and false papers for the remaining authors”
This implementation of the boosted trees model makes me wonder if I could alter my model so instead of predicting for each name WHICH class it belongs to, it could predict WHETHER or not it belongs to an ethnicity. For example, instead of ouputting “Smith” = “European”, it would output a true/false classification for each ethnicty. That is, SMITH: European = TRUE, Asian = FALSE, so on so forth.
Their theory behind the boosted trees model was that they could keep dividing the feature space into smaller and smaller sub-regions. They classified their issues with the method as deciding the splitting point and how to control the size of the tree; I will likely have similar issues with my method.
The researchers classified 4253 papers of the 100 authors by hand and then pplied the boosted trees model to a small dataset (n = 2835) to train it and use the remaining papers (1418) to test it.
They mentioned in their paper that the power of the boosted trees classification is dependent on most of the papers being under true names. I wonder if perhaps the boosted trees classifier would best be implemented as a tool to augment the long short term memory model currently being used rather than to replace it.