Applying an RNN to Classify Names According to Ethnicity: Final Project Abstract
Problem Statement
This problem was inspired by Professor Bakhtiari medical sociology research in William & Mary’s sociology department, which I work on as a research assistant focused on the computational side of things. In my capacity as a research assistant, I have applied a Naive Bayes classifier and Long Short Term Memory model to classify names. For this project, I decided I wanted to apply a different method to see if it would work and if it could improve upon the previous two.
Description of the data
I am using a dataset which includes 148,275 names scraped from Wikipedia and the race or ethnicity associated with each name. There are three variables for each observation in the dataset: first name, last name, and race/ethnicity classification. This dataset was collected by Steven Skiena’s research team with the same end goal of building a name classifier. The classes of race/ethnicity are: ‘GreaterEuropean,WestEuropean,Germanic’, ‘GreaterAfrican,Muslim’, ‘GreaterEuropean,WestEuropean,Nordic’, ‘GreaterEuropean,WestEuropean,Hispanic’, ‘GreaterEuropean,Jewish’,’GreaterAfrican,Africans’, ‘Asian,GreaterEastAsian,Japanese’, ‘GreaterEuropean,WestEuropean,French’,’GreaterEuropean,EastEuropean’, ‘GreaterEuropean,British’,’Asian,GreaterEastAsian,EastAsian’, ‘Asian,IndianSubContinent’,’GreaterEuropean,WestEuropean,Italian’. I have condensed all these classifications to three classes: Asian, European, and African. These larger groups include all the smaller ethnic groups within; for example, European includes everything with “GreaterEuropean” and Asian includes everything with “Asian.” I thought it would be simpler for the model to classify names that were Asian, European, or African.
Specification for the applied machine learning model
I decided to base my model on an example of an RNN from for application to texts. The model is a sequential model with an embedding layer, a one-dimensional convolutional layer, a global max pooling layer, and a dense layer. The model uses a binary cross-entropy loss function and an adam optimizer.
Ultimately, this model was a success. I am excited to see how it can fit into the grand scheme of the research project classifying names of Americans of Arab descent to study population level health outcomes.